Gomeldon School's Aims and Values
Learning for Life
Gomeldon Primary School strives to be an inspirational learning community in which everyone is valued, supported and equipped for lifelong learning in our inclusive, welcoming and safe environment.
- To encourage and support everyone to believe in their ability to succeed.
- To provide a safe environment in which everyone is able to learn.
- To develop an inclusive, welcoming community in which everyone belongs.
- To help learners to become independent and self regulated.
- To create a learning community in which relationships are unconditionally positive, respectful and genuine.
- To provide a carefully planned, creative and reflective curriculum.
- To develop the potential of every learner: physically, spiritually, socially and morally.
- To inspire learners to be risk taking, resilient and resourceful.
- To have fun when learning.
- To recognise, value and develop individual strengths and aptitudes.
- To instil a lifelong love of learning.
Values of Gomeldon Primary School
Resilience: locking onto learning; showing perseverance and sticking with challenges; managing distractions.
Reflectiveness: being self- aware; having the ability to think about what you have learnt and how you learn; evaluating your own strengths and weaknesses, adapting, changing and revising work.
Resourcefulness: questioning, imagining, making links, making good use of resources and equipment; being ready to learn in new ways; having a variety of learning strategies and knowing how to use them; using your imagination to consider possibilities.
Relationships: knowing when it is best to work alone or with others; knowing when to take the initiative or let others take the lead; listening and learning from others; showing empathy and consideration to the views of others.
You can help your child by: drawing attention to, and modelling, positive learning habits.
- Demonstrate/model sticking at things, even if they are difficult
- Talk about how you feel when you are taking on challenges
- Praise your children when they persevere…but also encourage them to take a break when they have had enough
- Help them to find interests and activities that are really absorbing
- Talk with them about what helps them to concentrate and manage distractions
- Encourage questions
- Demonstrate making links between different ideas
- Encourage them to use their imagination and think of possibilities
- Show them how to use resources such as reference books, dictionaries, the Internet
- Help them to organise any equipment or resources
- Help them to organise their ideas e.g. mindmapping
- Ask them what they learnt at school, rather than what they did
- Help them to think about, and plan, activities
- Help them to get started on a task by planning what they need to do first
- Encourage flexibility and the ability to change plan if necessary
- Help them learn from their mistakes
- Encourage them to take time to evaluate their own learning
- Make expectations of turn-taking and co-operation clear
- Work, play and learn alongside your children, enabling them to pick up good habits through imitation
- Listen to each other and extend ideas by your responses and questions
- Undertake projects together
- Go out and about and explore
- Have fun